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Music and Performances

Performance details and the music selection progress.

Well the first and foremost is that I finally got at least a semi-holder music track. I think I need to shift the music a bit at the first, or maybe choose a different track, but I picked a track that might be alright throughout the entire animation in case I decided that one is better than changing the songs (with transitions of course, they won't be hard cut, or I'll try my best).

The second thing is the performances. Some of them anyway. I sort of forgot what last week brought, but the crying scene with the kid and mom, I made the transition from the crying face to the sad face a lot more smoother. It looks really nice and I sort of wish I had thought this far ahead before because I would have made intermediate transitional faces for all characters. So far, the only character with not all hard changes is the main character.

Also, I did put shadows on some of the characters. I've been working shot by shot from beginning to end, so that's why some of the later characters don't yet have shadows. That, or I wasn't sure how to make one (for the triangle and heart especially since they are sitting on top of points instead of a flat bottom line).

The project is a tad bit behind, but I think I'm catching up a bit. I just have to really get myself to focus on the performances. They're tiny - like the bounce when moving - but shouldn't be too hard, especially since I've began to figure out how to make it easier for myself. I'm going to eventually render this out and put it into Premiere so I can cut specific moments or pause specific moments without disrupting keyframes in After Effects (which is a whole 'nother problem in and of itself otherwise, and tedious).

It's getting done though, so definitely progress!


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