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Main Character Movement and (Some) More!

Majorly working on getting more movement done for the characters, but since there should be a focus, it's mostly only on the main character.

The quality doesn't do it that much of a justice, but the general idea is there. I've taken most of my focus (and my want to procrastinate) to making the main character, the lovely rainbow blob/circle, and added some idle movement so it's not as static. I think even in longer held moments (like what's in the GIF, it already feels a little bit more lively.

I've still yet to actually render out the full thing with more squash and stretch. What's not seen in this is that I've also taken the critique on contact shadows into progress as well. They aren't the best, and it's so far only on the main character, but aside from going up steps, the shadows looks alright.

One other thing, the sound track is being in progress of being chosen. If not multiple pieces for the scenes. I'm not worried about pacing because I've literally been taking the time to work and listen to the music to see if any would fit. So far, for the beginning and more "over look" scenes, I've got a couple possible options, so I'm really glad about that.

It's still got quite a lot of work, and the intended goal was for the project to be done by the first week of November-ish. I'm thinking I'll begin to overlap just a little because the need to begin other things have arrived — many of which are single-focus-only tasks.

Hoping to get a lot of progress done by Thursday, and even more done by next Tuesday. I would rather be making minuscule adjustments through November rather than massive ones while working on other things (not just for the Capstone class but for other production/art classes).

We'll see what this week brings!


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